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Canada Immigration to Strengthen Family Reunification

Canada Immigration to Strengthen Family Reunification

Several intriguing new developments were revealed on Saturday, during Sean Fraser’s lecture in Vancouver. Fraser began by recognizing the significant role that immigrants play in Canada and pointing out that choices must be provided to welcome their families as well if Canada is to continue to be a top destination for immigration.

Right now, family members from nations where a visa is necessary who have submitted family-class permanent residency (PR) applications can apply for Temporary Resident Visas (TRVS) to come live with their relatives in Canada. However, a lot of these petitions are far too frequently turned down on the basis that the applicants are unlikely to return home. Even after their application has been processed, over 90% of applicants are given approval for permanent residency.

The IRCC is happy to report that by utilizing technological innovations and streamlining their procedures, they have been able to process family-related visa applications more efficiently as a whole. Family members who already have a permanent residency application on file no longer have a backlog for TRV. More than 98% of spouses’ and their dependent children’s applications for spousal TRV have been approved using this new procedure. In the meanwhile, more families will be able to stay together thanks to this.

The processing time for TRV applications will now be 30 days going ahead. Additionally, new PR applications can now be processed inside the regular 12-month processing period thanks to these modernization initiatives.

The IRCC is also starting a new program to assist new immigrants in Canada in starting to support themselves and their families as quickly as feasible. This new program will enable partners and dependent children to receive an open work permit regardless of whether they requested family sponsorship from outside of Canada (outland sponsorship) or from within the country (inland sponsorship). Before, only Canadian citizens who applied from within the country were eligible for these open work visas.

The final significant development that was disclosed on Saturday is that open work permit holder whose existing permits expire at the end of 2023 will be able to extend them for an additional 18 months through a simple process starting on June 7. This will include the spouses and children in need of support of the majority of temporary workers, as well as spouses of foreign students and PR applicants and their families awaiting the decision on their applications for permanent residence. This will likely have an effect on some 25,000 persons who are currently living in Canada but are unable to find employment.

Who may sponsor a member of their family?

You need to meet the minimum eligibility standards in order to sponsor a family member. Sponsors must meet the following criteria in order to qualify:

  • be able and willing to meet your family member’s basic financial needs for three years;
  • be at least 18 years old;
  • reside in Canada, or have a plan to do so once your spouse or partner becomes a permanent resident of Canada;

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Permanent Residence Visa

This visa allows an individual and their dependent family members to obtain permanent residence in a specific country.

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Tourist & Visitor Visa

This visa permits an individual to reside in a country for a specific period, granted under certain conditions.

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Family Sponsorship Visa

This visa allows immediate family members of a country's permanent resident or citizen to reside, work, and study.

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