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Canadian Immigration Backlog Drops to 2.2 million, according to IRCC

Canadian Immigration Backlog Drops to 2.2 million, according to IRCC

The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) just released new data showing that Canada’s immigration backlog decreased from 2.4 million last month to a little over 2.2 million.

As a result, the citizenship application was down to 3, 14,630 applicants as of November 30 from 3, 31,401 on October 31, according to CIC News. The number of permanent residents was 5, 12,342 as of December 2 compared to 5, 06,421 as of November 3. The temporary residence application experienced the largest decline, falling to 14, 16,125 residents on December 2 from 15, 37,566 on November 3. Since November 3 statistics, when there were 39,589 applications awaiting review, there are now 43,326 applications for Express Entry programs.

The total number of applications for all family-class immigration programs has decreased marginally since November 3 to 1, 27,091 from 1, 28,112. With 62,106 applications, the Spouses and Partners sponsorship program has one of the greatest applications out of all business lines, just slightly up from November 3. In the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP), 53,770 people are currently on the waiting list, down from 55,653 in November.

According to data as of September 30, there were 1.5 million applications in the backlog, which means that over 3, 50,000 applications were cleared by the IRCC. This occurs as the number of applicants for permanent residency has increased, according to CIC News. In contrast to the 2.3 million final choices made during the same time period the previous year, the IRCC reports that between January and October 2022, they produced 4.3 million final decisions for citizenship, temporary residents, and permanent residents.

By the end of March 2023, the Canadian citizenship organization claims it wants to have a backlog in all business lines of less than 50%. To do this, the IRCC started the move to 100% digital applications for the majority of programs for permanent residents on September 23. Additionally, it aspires to convert all citizenship applications, including those from minors under 18, to digital format by the end of this year.

How can you apply for Express Entry?

  • If you are eligible, you can start the application process by establishing and submitting your profile on the IRCC website. Your CRS score and pool entry will be sent once your profile has been uploaded.
  • The applicants with the top rankings will be offered ITAs through regular rounds of invites once they have received their CRS results and entered the pool.
  • It’s still possible for you to, be invited in the following draw even if your CRS score doesn’t increase with each draw. The IRCC requires that all applications be processed within six months.
  • From the date you receive an ITA, you have 60 days to apply for permanent residency with the IRCC.

About Provincial Nominee Program

  • Getting nominated by a province is another way to raise your CRS rating. Your overall CRS score will increase by 600 points as a result, greatly increasing your chances of receiving an ITA from the IRCC.
  • There are Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) in every province and territory, with the exception of Quebec and Nunavut. The candidates that provincial administrations decide are the best fits for the province can be chosen thanks to these programs.
  • In a procedure known as enhanced nomination, provinces can invite Express Entry candidates whom they believe best suit the province to apply for nomination directly to the provincial administration. Candidates can apply directly to the province to be considered even if they are not in the Express Entry pool.

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